Thursday, November 18, 2010

Logo Recreation

For my logo recreation I recreated the REI logo. Here is the original:
I thought the font was too thick and blocky and the colors weren't really outdoorsy. So i wanted to make it a little more colorful, and I thought I could incorporate the seasons. So I ended up doing four  different logos for different products, a winter one for winter related items, a fall logo for fall related items and then a summer/spring logo for spring related items. Then I just made a general logo for the store REI. I really liked the tree and the mountain so I decided  I would have something along the lines of that for everyone. So for recreating the general store logo, I made the tree green because trees are green, and i thought he logo needed more colors. And then I did the mountains yellow because I thought that a blue or purple would make it to dark, and I wanted it to be light. Then I thought the lettering needed to be a little smoother than the original so I made it pretty simple, but still kind of modern. I thought I would make it black but the black was too harsh for the green and yellow so I made is a light gray.  Then I decided that each logo should have the same general concept so I kept the tree and letters the same for each logo and just changes the mountains, so the mountains are made out of leaves for fall snowflakes for winter and flowers for spring. But I'm not really happy with the way the spring logo came out, I don't think it represents REI that well.The colors are very pastel and the flowers aren't real looking like the leaves and snow flakes. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Recycling Signs

Our recycling signs were really easy to compose once we started going, but finding an idea was harder. But once we got the idea and went with it everything came together. We just brought in a lot of colored paper and news paper and magazines for the paper sign. And then we crumpled it all up and placed it on a piece of cardboard and made sure that no cardboard was showing through. Then we just took a picture of it from above. Figuring out the color of the font and recycling sign was really the only challenge. But we decided on white and then in the end flipped the picture so that the writing was on sides of the image that you could see better. For the bottles and cans we brought in some items and then found cans and bottles in recycling bins. It was a little more challenging because we tried a lot of different positions of stacking them and positions of how to take the picture, also find a good writing color was harder because in some spots the white didn't show up very well. But in the end once we uploaded the pictures and did some slight photo shop it came out very well and was fairly easy.

Recycling Signs

Our recycling signs were really easy to compose once we started going, but finding an idea was harder. But once we got the idea and went with it everything came together. We just brought in a lot of colored paper and news paper and magazines for the paper sign. And then we crumpled it all up and placed it on a piece of cardboard and made sure that no cardboard was showing through. Then we just took a picture of it from above. Figuring out the color of the font and recycling sign was really the only challenge. But we decided on white and then in the end flipped the picture so that the writing was on sides of the image that you could see better. For the bottles and cans we brought in some items and then found cans and bottles in recycling bins. It was a little more challenging because we tried a lot of different positions of stacking them and positions of how to take the picture, also find a good writing color was harder because in some spots the white didn't show up very well. But in the end once we uploaded the pictures and did some slight photo shop it came out very well and was fairly easy.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bad AD reconstruction

I thought my bad ad was very cluttered and the colors were very harsh. So I wanted my ad to be calm and that colors to be easy on the readers eyes. That's why I made some white space around the ad, and used lighter colors. I also made half the text aligned to the right and half aligned to the left. At first I had the title aligned to the left as well, but I decided that it didn't stick out enough so I aligned it center, along with the for more information, and changed the font. Then i only had the dog picture and all the text, which I thought was too boring so i added the paw prints, and then the boarder to make things a little more exciting. I kpet the dog picture where it was because when the reader looks at it, it's eyes are looking up at the text and it makes the reader look up and read the text.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Web Layouts

  • I like Apple's homepage because it's really crisp and clean. Also when navigating the webpage the ipods do cool things and some pages look like a Mac computer

  • Starbucks website is one of my favorite websites to look at. There's not really much to it. But for some reason the feel of it just looks cold and makes me want warm coffee.

Friday, September 3, 2010

First Design Experience

My first experience with design was in 8th grade. I was taking Tech Ed and we had to design a tool box, and a little wooden race car. We used a program on the computer where you type in measurements, and click what shape it would be until you had the design for it. Then, we printed that out and had to use power saws and other tools to actually make them. After we made the tool box we went back to the computer design, and designed two shapes to go on each side. then we printed that out, and cut the wood to create the shapes, and glued them on. The we painted it. Mine ended up being blue with two shamrocks, made of wood, on  both taller sides. And a painted grass scene with little flowers on the two shorter sides. Then we took the car design and cut that out. We got to pick what kind of wheels to put on it and what colors we wanted to spray paint it. I spray painted mine pink with green splatter and green polka dots. And that's my only experience with design.