My first experience with design was in 8th grade. I was taking Tech Ed and we had to design a tool box, and a little wooden race car. We used a program on the computer where you type in measurements, and click what shape it would be until you had the design for it. Then, we printed that out and had to use power saws and other tools to actually make them. After we made the tool box we went back to the computer design, and designed two shapes to go on each side. then we printed that out, and cut the wood to create the shapes, and glued them on. The we painted it. Mine ended up being blue with two shamrocks, made of wood, on both taller sides. And a painted grass scene with little flowers on the two shorter sides. Then we took the car design and cut that out. We got to pick what kind of wheels to put on it and what colors we wanted to spray paint it. I spray painted mine pink with green splatter and green polka dots. And that's my only experience with design.