- http://www.apple.com/
- I like Apple's homepage because it's really crisp and clean. Also when navigating the webpage the ipods do cool things and some pages look like a Mac computer
- http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.maxkiesler.com/images/site_images/apple-small.png&imgrefurl=http://www.maxkiesler.com/2007/10/10/minimalist-website-design-patterns/&h=393&w=500&sz=54&tbnid=qTdWL8xkFqwk0M:&tbnh=102&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgood%2Bweb%2Bdesign%2Bexamples%2Bimages&zoom=1&q=good+web+design+examples+images&hl=en&usg=__3CXW8DFcO3yRur-sTXHknF2ggAc=&sa=X&ei=VCWGTNf-JYaKlwe7qqX6Dw&ved=0CCMQ9QEwAw
- This is an example of the Apple web page and on this one the ipods are having a domino effect, which really catches the viewers eyes.
- http://www.takepart.com/membersproject?cmpid=MP-108-100-120-114-100-100-100
- This site is for a take part in saving the environment, and the background is really green and has water and really conveys what the website is trying to say
- http://www.starbucks.com/
- Starbucks website is one of my favorite websites to look at. There's not really much to it. But for some reason the feel of it just looks cold and makes me want warm coffee.
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